The hustle and bustle of sailing to Bermuda resulted in something less than freewhe

eling enthusiasm as the warm part of 2009 approached. Consequently I "made do" and settled for local activities and a brief visit to Southern New England. This time my wife Sonia signed on for the duration and sailed overnight offshore for the first time in many years. She'd been wishing for a visit to Nantucket, and that meant 2 nights offshore from NJ. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and we settled for Block Island and Narraganset Bay. "Settled" is

not the best word to describe the trip, since it was quite lovely and restful despite the weather gods.
We visited the usual suspects with a side stop to see the USS Massachusetts. Then home down Long Island Sound stopping at City Island on the way. I hadn't seen City Island for over 25 years, and my take is that James Joyce knew what he was talking about.
The season ended right on time as it usually does, and it was at that point that ideas for the 2010 season began to take shape. That's really the subject of this series. More to follow.
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