Once again taking advantage of Boston's superb public transport network, we caught an early commuter train from Quincy Center into Cambridge and Harvard Square. This venue was not originally high on
my list, but I soon found I'd underestimated the possibilities.

First off was a Harvard campus tour with senior Matt, a Philadelphia area native who gave the experience a personal and intimate feeling. The tour itself did not delve deeply into University history and Harvard's many famous graduates, but it seemed at least to us to provide a broad overview of customs, methods, and mores of Harvard University life.

After this slice of Harvardiana we next endured a slice of pepperoni pizza that passed for lunch and aimed in the direction of MIT. I'd originally thought we could hoof it but soon realized that MIT's campus was quite far from Harvard's. Enter "Billy," an instructor for the transport system who, after hearing my somewhat embellished tale of woe, arranged a free bus ride for the two of us down Mass Avenue all the way to MIT. It was beginning to seem that we would not manage a financial contribution to Boston's bus network no matter what.

Sonia was
underwhelmed by the MIT campus after the relative pizazz of Harvard, but there was a certain directness and precision to the architecture that I found pleasing. We managed an impromptu tour on our own and headed back up to Harvard Square, this time finally putting real money into the collection box.
The day ended with dinner with friends who live locally and whose commentary as we walked along personalized many Boston landmarks including Beacon Hill, Copley Square, Boston Common, Boston Garden, and of course Newberry Street. Finally, after a car ride back to Hull and a long dark dinghy ride back to the boat, we called it a night.