Well, Summer 2013 wasn't
exactly about sailing. However it
was a little about New England (by car), a lot about family, and little more about ... just about everything. And now for something completely different.
Yes, I know you thought this post was about the oldest zoo in the United States, the Philadelphia Zoo. Well, I tricked you, and to make up for that here are the mandatory pics. Then we'll get down to business.
OK, now for the real stuff. My informed readers know that the Zoo is a few blocks from "The Neighborhood." Naturally we went there first, heading north on Girard, making a left at 36th Street one block over to Cambridge, and then up Cambridge toward 40th.
The view up Cambridge from below 39th:
Union Street between Cambridge and Poplar, Jim's old house toward the left end of the row:
40th and Cambridge, looking up Cambridge. No more "Gitaveigh":
What's left of 40th between Cambridge and Poplar (no more King Cole Bar):
A "new" resident (4036 behind):
View toward 41st Street: